
  • "Such a beautiful experience. Mike made me feel super safe and comfortable during an extremely vulnerable time. There's a palpable protective presence that's supportive but not overbearing. His reverence for the medicine is undeniable and the dissolution of ego is obvious. The energy and intention infused in the brew is magically cathartic. Such a powerful, sacred, and deeply healing experience I'm eternally grateful for šŸ™"

    - Brittany

  • ā€œI really noticed those microdose drops helping me in new social settings. That feeling you get when you tell a joke to a group of people and nobody laughs, kind of thing would normally make me extremely self-conscious, but the last few days I don't feel like I even notice. I just did one of my circuit classes and that stuff allowed me to push further than before. It's like it muted the voice that pops up near point-of-failure. It made the whole experience more enjoyable.ā€


  • ā€œI have been microdosing the aya. It has helped me so much. Iā€™m so grateful for you šŸ’šā€

    - Lexi